Thoughtful Workshops on Leadership,
Designed to Challenge and Inspire Current and Aspiring Leaders
Healthy leadership functions as the foundational component of any successful organization, and contemporary research and scientific studies argue that healthy leaders contribute the most toward an organization’s success. However, leadership is not for the faint of heart, and not all who bear the title of leader are healthy or lead their organizations to success. At its worst, unhealthy leadership can lead to negative office culture, infighting, retention and recruitment problems, loss of productivity, loss of profit, negative brand, and mediocre product and services. But even healthy leaders can struggle with how to create and maintain an environment of innovation, vision clarity, empowerment, and productivity.
Our Leading with Purpose workshop series digs deep into what constitutes healthy leadership—from how we lead, to where we lead, from building effective teams to empowering them to creatively solve problems, from enhancing our executive presence to dedicating ourselves to self-care along the way.