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The Art (and Science) of Influence

The Art (and Science) of Influence workshop offers participants the chance to learn—and put into practice— deeper level concepts, techniques, and strategies that ultimately lead to more meaningful, purposeful, and influential communication, whether formal or informal.


Through engaging activities and discussions, we explore long-established and highly celebrated theories on communication and argument from a variety of fields (rhetoric, philosophy, and science), dig deep into the role of evidence and how we can make the best case for any position, and investigate ways to engage in authentic and productive dialogue—even when we don’t agree. In short, this program seeks to provide participants with strategies and tools that move our audiences beyond mere agreement and into a space where they are influenced to act upon that agreement with conviction.


Topics Covered:

  • Logic, Emotion, Trust, and Their Impact on Influence

  • What Lies Beneath: The Role of Evidence on Influence

  • The Art of Dialogue


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